Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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University of the Punjab (PU) in collaboration with Center for Health and Gender Equality (CHANGE)
University of the Punjab (PU) in collaboration with Center for Health and Gender Equality (CHANGE)

11 September-2017: University of the Punjab (PU) in collaboration with Center for Health and Gender Equality (CHANGE) initiated the project “Inspiring the Future” by conducting orientation sessions with faculty members of PU on peace promotion.

The aim behind the project is to engage the professors to educate their students on the peace narrative through different healthy activities as it is believed that the destiny of the nation is shaped within the four walls of the classrooms.

The worthy Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Zafar Mueen have taken the issue seriously after the recent wave of extremism in the country which involve educated youth from the universities. He took personal interest in the cause and nominated Prof Dr Sajid Rashid Ahmed (Principal College of Earth and Environmental Sciences CEES) as the focal person of the project.

In this connection orientation session for the faculty members are planned to be conducted in the University of the Punjab with the different departments of the university including department of Environmental Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Political Sciences, Sociology, Economics, Management Sciences, Psychology, Geology, Gender Studies and others . These sessions would engage not only teaching but non teaching faculty as well to orient them over the narrative of peace as it would be the effective tool to keep the students on the path of peace and tolerance.

Four orientation sessions are going to be organized in the Conference Halls in the departments of Sociology and College of Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES). These orientation sessions will help the participants to become familiar with this deep rooted concept. CHANGE believes that the role of educational professionals is distinct for countering the extremism and implementation of National Action Plan at grass root level.