Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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International Book Chapters contribution by IAS Faculty members
International Book Chapters contribution by IAS Faculty members

LAHORE: (Wednesday, October 4, 2017): It is indeed a matter of great pride for the teaching fraternity of University of the Punjab that three of the faculty members at Institute of Administrative Sciences (IAS) have contributed two chapters in a book: "Women in Governing Institutions in South Asia – Parliament, Civil Service and Local Government" published by Palgrave Macmillan. Chapter titled: “Gender & Local Governance in Pakistan” is authored by Prof. Dr. Nasira Jabeen – Dean Faculty of Economics & Management Sciences and Director Institute of Administrative Sciences and Ms. Umme-Farwa-Mubahser – Lecturer. Another chapter titled: “Women in Pakistan Civil Service” is contributed by Dr. Nighat Ghulam Ansari – Assistant Professor, IAS. The book presents thematically arranged country studies representing gender inclusiveness and allowing comparisons across South Asia.

The online preview of the book is available at the following link: