Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Training Sessions with PEACE Volunteers under the Project "Inspiring the Future"
Training Sessions with PEACE Volunteers under the Project "Inspiring the Future"

LAHORE: (Thursday, February 22, 2018): The College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore in collaboration the Centre for Health & Gender Equality “CHANGE” will manifest the series of Peace Celebrations in different departments next week, Social Action Plans for the promotion and strengthening of Peace process; designed by the students of the Punjab University.
The said SAP's were the result of sequential trainings sessions with students in the departments with the coordination of Punjab University and the "CHANGE" under the project “INSPIRING THE FUTURE” earlier the faculties of the Punjab University were inclined through training and the trained faculty members structured their sessions in their class rooms and there after the peace volunteers were identified for further training on peace promotion actions and strategies'.
The peace training sessions with students has been completed in the various University departments i.e. Department of History & Pakistan Studies, Institute of Geology, Institute of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, Centre for High Energy Physics and Institute of Education and Research. Now a Peace Promotion Campaign will be lead and executed by the Peace Volunteers of the Punjab University, Lahore in the next week.
(Prof. Dr. Sajid Rashid Ahmad)
Focal Person / Principal,