Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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MMG Faculty and Students Honored in 29th International Conference of FAMILYCON 2019
MMG Faculty and Students Honored in 29th International Conference of FAMILYCON 2019

Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics always play a key role in actively participation in the international and national level workshops, symposia, workshops and won prizes, awarded and certificates every Year. The event was sponsored by Academy of Family Physicians PAFP under the Organization of Dr. Ahmed Naveed Bhatti (Chairman of PAFP), Lahore Pakistan which is attended by thousands of doctors from all over the country and abroad. Conference includes scientific programs and workshops with recent knowledge and skills regarding DM, Endocrinology, Dermatology, Orthopedics, Psychiatry, Research papers and Hands on Training on diabetic foot ulcers etc. which aids in wellbeing of the society in future. Dr. Samreen Riaz (Assistant Professor, Department. of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics) acted as Co-Chairperson and Co-ordinator organizer with Dr. Ahmed Naveed Bhatti for this event and was awarded Certificate of Excellence and appreciation with shields and prizes in the Annual award ceremony held on 8th December at Lahore Dental Medical college Canal Road Lahore. Posters were presented from different departments and Institutes from all over the Pakistan including under thematic & research oriented category. The event went very successful and more than 5000 participants from various Institutes were attended and presented Oral lectures and talks. Ms. Amina Shahid (MS Scholar Clinical Psychology from PU) as the Chief Organizer of Students Committee and Ms. Farah Qudsia (MS Scholar ,Microbiology & Molecular Genetics) was the Coordinator of PU students. Ms. Snobia Munir (MPhil), Ms. Noor ul Huda (BS), Ms. Arwa Faisal (BS), Ms. Afifa (MS) showed active participation as organizer from the MMG as the organizers of the event and also got shields, prizes and certificate. In the category of thematic posters, 1st prize was won by best poster award of Ms. Snobia Munir and Mr. Farooq was 3rd from MMG. In research based student category, 1st prize was won by best poster award of Ms. Umera & Ms. Sadaf from LCWU , 2nd prize for Ms. Arwa Faisal and Noor-ul-Huda poster was awarded 3rd prize for Ms. Farah Qudsia. So the four Best posters prizes won by department of MMG that is a great achievement and department was appreciated as winning from so many last years in this annual event. It was a very informative and thought-provoking event. Such events should also be arranged in future as they have a good impact regarding the betterment of our health and for the progress of our society.