Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU CAD organizes seminar
PU CAD organizes seminar

LAHORE: (Wednesday, June 8, 2022): Punjab University College of Art & Design (CAD) has organized a seminar and exhibition entitled “6 Decades of Excellence of Eminent Alumnus Dr Shaukat Mahmood” to commemorate Dr Mahmood’s journey of excellence. Vice Chancellor University of Home Economics Prof Dr Kanwal Ameen, CAD Principal Prof Dr Sumera Jawad, faculty members, M Phil scholars and a large number of students were present. The exhibited work is based on selective cartoons of Dr Mahmood and representation of his impression of various people, society, and the predominant circumstances. The exhibited cartoons have been divided into three genres: Caricatures of Popular Personalities, Awam Ki Halat-E-Zaar and Politics from the Pen. The caricatures are hand drawn while the rest of the cartoons are digital prints that are based on his recent work. The seminar divided into six segments highlighting the distinct facets of Dr Mahmood’s quest over the decades. These segments included his early life, his contribution as a cartoonist, educationist, documentarian, book author and research & news article author. The exhibition and seminar were the part of M Phil scholar’s research project. At the end, Dr Saif Ur Rehman Dar distributed the souvenirs to Dr Shaukat Mahmood and others.