Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU CSAS organizes training workshop
PU CSAS organizes training workshop

LAHORE: (Saturday, April 15, 2017): Punjab University Center for South Asian Studies (CSAS) and Department of Political Science in collaboration with Hanns Seidel Foundation Pakistan organized research methodology training workshop on “Research Design and Academic Writing” in the auditorium of CSAS. University of Bonn, German’s Aftab Nasir was the keynote speaker while the faculty members, students, M.Phil/ Ph.D scholars of the centre and the department were present on the occasion. In his address, Aftab Nasir said that all types of research were conducted under some research paradigms including critical, empirical, phenomenological or constructionist, interpretive, ecological and social network paradigms. He said that our research design was based on these paradigms which were very significant part of research. He further elaborated that the foundation of any research depends upon that which paradigm you adopt, what are the core research questions and what methodology you are going to utilize.