Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU awards five PhD degrees
PU awards five PhD degrees

LAHORE: (Monday, October 2, 2017): Punjab University has awarded five PhD degrees to the scholars in which Mahwish Bashir D/o Pervaiz Akhter in the subject of Solid State physics (Microelectronics/Nanotechnology) after approval of her thesis entitled “Stabilization of Zirconia Using Different Experimental Methods and their Applications”, Marium Muhammad Hussain D/o Muhammad Hussain Mustafa Naqvee in the subject of International Relations after approval of her thesis entitled “Role of India in Afghanistan and the Changing Regional Security Scenario of South Asia: Implications for Pakistan (2001-2014)”, Humaira Yasmeen D/o Muhammad Ashraf in the subject of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics after approval of her thesis entitled “Mutational Analysis of B-Globin Gene of Thalassemia in Local Population of Pakistan”, Raza Ashraf D/o Muhammad Ashraf in the subject of Biological Sciences after approval of her thesis entitled “Comparative Studies on Alcohol Dehydrogenases from Mesophilic (Bacillus Subtilis R5) and Hyperthermophilic (Pyrobaculum Calidifontis) Origins” and Habib ur Rehman S/o Muhammad Ali in the subject of Islamic Studies after approval of his thesis entitled “Tadwin-o-Tahqiq Muswaddah “Dalil al Hayran ‘Ala Wafayat Al A’yan” Az Professor Doctor Muhammad Zia ul Haq Sufi”.