Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU Library launches short course on information skills
PU Library launches short course on information skills

LAHORE: (Friday, March 2, 2018): Punjab University Library has launched a short course on Learning Information Skills to avert plagiarism for university research scholars and students. The purpose of the course is to support high quality research activities in the university through sensitizing and training of the researchers on ethical usage of information.

The course, which consists of four sessions, covers information searching and plagiarism avoidance techniques along with hands on training on citation software ‘Zotero’. Each session comprises two hours’ mini workshop held at library’s internet lab on consecutive Tuesdays of a month. On the occasion of certificate distribution ceremony for first group of participants, Chief Librarian Dr. Muhammad Haroon Usmani congratulated the participants and said that that this course would help the researchers become more confident and skillful in searching required information in an efficient.