Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Nizam urges students to focus on creating jobs
Nizam urges students to focus on creating jobs

LAHORE: (Wednesday, May 17, 2017): Punjab Higher Education Commission Chairman Prof Dr Nizamuddin has said that the graduating students should focus on finding opportunities to create jobs through entrepreneurship rather than becoming job seekers traditionally. He was addressing the second degree awarding ceremony of Punjab University Hailey College of Commerce here at a local hotel on Wednesday. PU Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Zaffar Mueen Nasir, Principal Hailey College of Banking and Finance Prof Dr Mubbasher Munawar Khan, Controller of Examinations Prof Dr Shahid Munir, faculty members and a large number of students were present on the occasion.

Addressing the ceremony, Dr Nizamuddin said that the subject of banking and finance was in high demand in the market. He said that business organizations were not benefitting from the research being carried out at universities. He said that the academic excellence of universities was an opportunity for business institutions to enhance their business and open new horizons in industrial and business sectors. He said that there must be specialized courses and certifications in banking and insurance sectors. He advised the students to support each other in the market.

PU VC Dr Zaffar Mueen Nasir said that the university was focusing of providing quality education to its students and curriculum of all the academic programs was revised on modern lines. He said that the administration was promoting research culture on campus and faculty members were being given incentives for quality research. He advised the student to keep Pakistan on priority and serve community. He urged the students to play their role in fight against terrorism and extremism. Principal Prof Dr Mubbsher Munawar Khan said that PU HCBF’s graduates were being preferred in finance, banking and insurance sectors. He said that keeping in view growing demand of Islamic banking sector, MBA in Islamic Banking and post graduate diplomas would be offered soon. He said that the college was ensuring awareness and training of field’s knowledge and practices to its students through training workshops and field visits. Earlier, degrees were distributed among 525 graduates from session 2009-2015 of various degree programs.