Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU ISCS organizes seminar on women empowerment
PU ISCS organizes seminar on women empowerment

LAHORE: (Friday, February 26, 2016): Punjab University Institute of Social and Cultural Studies in collaboration with Women Development Department organized a seminar on women empowerment here on Friday. Dean Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences Prof Dr Zakria Zakir, Secretary Punjab Women Development Department Dr Amna Imam, Women in Struggle for Empowerment (WISE) Executive Director Bushra Khalid, faculty members and M Phil and PhD scholars participated in the event.

Addressing the ceremony, Dr Zakria Zakir said that strengthening the women is a matter of our survival because history bears the fact that the economic development of any society is not possible without women development. He said that we lived in an imbalanced society and we could create balance by taking positive initiatives. He said that we must make collective efforts for prosperity of women in our society. Dr Amna Imam said we wanted that equal rights be given to women but unfortunately women were not being considered even as “human being” by our male-dominating society. Highlighting the initiatives taken by the government for betterment of women, she said that the government had adopted best policies to provide due rights to the women. She said that we were moving towards a sophisticated and educated society and the democracy was being strengthened in the country. She said that women could strengthen themselves only when they would be aware of their rights. WISE Executive Director Bushra Khalid lauded the initiatives taken by Punjab government for women empowerment. She said that women must be provided maximum opportunities so that they could show their potential. Earlier, Dr Aamna Imam inaugurated day care centre set up at Institute of Social and Cultural Studies.